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Training FAQs

Training FAQs

Where can you get Ladder Association Training?

Ladder Association registered and approved training centres deliver the nationally recognised Ladder Association training courses for competency in ladder use and inspection. Only they can provide you with prices and availability for courses in your area. Their knowledgeable teams can also answer any ladder training questions you have about their courses. You can find your nearest training centre here (where you can search by postcode to find your closest centre and get their contact details).


Does the Ladder Association recommend prices for training?

The Ladder Association cannot recommend training prices or offer price “guidelines” as this could have a negative impact on competition and be harmful to those who need training. For these reasons, a trade association recommending training prices is against competition law.

In July 2013 the Office of Fair Trading launched an investigation into a trade association for exactly these kind of actions. A summary of this case can be found here.


Do you need to be competent to use a ladder or stepladder?

Here at the Ladder Association, we strongly believe training is an important contribution in keeping people safe when working at height and that training can help to prove competence as required by the Work at Height Regulations. Training is about more than just using the ladder; it’s about understanding when it’s right to use a ladder (and importantly when it’s not), choosing the right ladder and then understanding the simple steps to take to use the ladder safely.

Our Ladders & Stepladders for Users course is designed for people who will only be working from ladders but are not responsible for inspecting ladders. There is a specific Ladders & Stepladders Inspection course for persons whose duty is to inspect and maintain ladders and stepladders in their workplace. You can find out more about our training courses here.


How can I tell what ladder training qualifications my worker has?

Ask to see their LadderCard or Certificate of Competence. You can verify that it’s a valid card by entering the details into our Check a Card tool.

On the card you’ll see what Level the cardholder is trained to and also what Categories of training they’ve completed. Refer to the guide below to see what the Level and Category codes shown on the card mean.


How do I receive my training certificate?

After you receive your card, you can download a copy of your certificate if you need it for your own or your employer’s records. Here’s how:
  1. Open our Check a Card tool
  2. Enter your first and last name exactly as they appear on the card, along with your certificate number
  3. Click Find card
  4. Scroll down the page and click Download certificate

This will open a PDF version of your certificate, which you can then download and save. You can access your certificate through our website as many times as you like.


What does the ‘level’ mean on a LadderCard?

Every LadderCard and Certificate of Competence confirms the ‘level’ to which the cardholder has been trained. Here are the different levels and what they mean:

U for ‘User’

This is the standard Ladder Association qualification, meaning the cardholder has trained as a ladder/stepladder user. The ‘category’ shown on the card shows what courses they’ve completed and therefore what specific ladder training they have completed.

INSP for ‘Inspector’

This means the cardholder has trained as a ladder/stepladder inspector. The ‘category’ shown on the card shows what courses they’ve completed and therefore what specific ladder training they have completed.

INST for ‘Instructor’               

This is only for those who are qualified to teach one or more Ladder Association courses. The ‘category’ shown on the card shows what courses they can teach.


What does the ‘category’ mean on a LadderCard?

Ladder users can complete a range of Ladder Association training courses. Check the ‘category’ on their card to see which courses they’ve passed.

Similarly, every Ladder Association instructor is qualified to teach one or more of these courses. Check the ‘category’ on their card to see which courses they can teach.

The categories are:

Ladders & Stepladders

Steps & Step Stools


Further questions?

Our network of approved Training Centres can provide you with prices and availability for courses in your area. Their knowledgeable teams can also answer any ladder training questions you have about their courses. You can find your nearest training centre here (where you can search by postcode to find your closest centre and get their contact details).