Membership Categories
Membership of the Ladder Association is currently open to Training Organisations, Manufacturers and Suppliers. The association also offers an Associate category for individuals/organisations that have an interest in keeping up-to-date with all the latest industry news and developments.
Training Member
The Ladder Association’s accredited training scheme is responsible for training over 15,000 people every year to safely use, inspect and manage the use of ladders, through our network of audited training centres across the globe. With over two million ladders in daily use in the UK alone, and falls from height still the number one killer in the workplace, the need for training is clear.
The Ladder Association is the lead industry body who administer the LadderCard training scheme. The LadderCard, originally provided in printed photocard but now moving towards digital format, is issued to those successfully trained. It is an industry-recognised training qualification to help demonstrate competence required by law.
Become a training member now and your company will join our growing network of trusted training organisations, and have access to deliver our full suite of respected training courses.
Manufacturing Member
Ladder Association manufacturing members fly the flag for quality, reliability and safety. By becoming a manufacturing member, you agree to adhere to our Code of Practice and only make ladders that meet current product standard. The Ladder Association will always encourage industry to buy from a Ladder Association manufacturing member as a way to guarantee the ladders purchased are safe and fit for use, and provide complete piece of mind for buyers.
Manufacturing members also have the opportunity to apply to sit on our Technical Committee who meet regularly to review, input and influence the standards that matter to the ladder industry. In addition, all members have the chance to join the Ladder Association Council and Training Committee, both of whom meet regularly to review, discuss and provide valuable input to key issues affecting the ladder industry and the future development of the Ladder Association.
Supplier Member
Being a Ladder Association supplier member means that anyone interested in buying or hiring ladders instantly knows that your company supplies products that meet minimum safety standards. By becoming a supplier member, you agree to adhere to our Code of Practice and only supply ladders that meet current product standard. The Ladder Association will always encourage industry to source ladders from a Ladder Association supplier member as a way to guarantee the ladders purchased are safe and fit for use, and provide complete piece of mind for buyers and users.
Associate Member
Associate Members come in various shapes and sizes. Some become associates to deliver training courses as freelance instructors working on behalf of training members, while others want to demonstrate their commitment to ladder safety by joining a respective and progressive trade association.
Anyone with a vested interest in ladders and ladder safety, can keep up to date with the latest ladder industry news and developments, and have access to networking opportunites, by becoming an associate member.
Find out more
Our membership types are not mutually exclusive – some companies are training, manufacturer and supplier members.