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Product Regulation and Metrology Bill progresses to Committee Stage

9 October 2024

Product Regulation and Metrology Bill progresses to Committee Stage

Updated: 10 October 2024

Product Regulation and Metrology Bill progresses to Committee Stage

Following the 2nd reading of the Product Regulation and Metrology Bill in the House of Lords on 8 October, the Ladder Association is pleased to report that the bill has now been passed to Grand Committee.

Committee stage, expected to start in around two weeks’ time but with a date yet to be confirmed, involves a detailed line by line examination of the separate parts (clauses and schedules) of the bill.

During this stage, the entire bill will be meticulously examined by members of the Lords, with every clause and amendment required to be agreed unanimously before it can pass to report stage.

Initial estimates indicate the bill, all going well, will receive Royal Assent in Spring 2025.

Positive progress

This latest progress is good news not only for the ladder industry but should provide more much-needed protection for consumers when buying all manner of height safety products – or indeed any products, of any kind, for the home and workplace.

Online marketplaces highlighted during 2nd reading

The 2nd reading was introduced this week by Lord Leong who welcomed the bill to tackle modern day safety issues, provide consumers with greater confidence that products they buy are safe to use, and to significantly improve data sharing between regulators and market surveillance authorities to enable them to take appropriate enforcement action.

He highlighted the necessity of the bill to ensure a level playing field between the high street and online marketplaces and to clarify responsibilities of the online supply chain, commenting, “Without these powers it will remain far too easy for unscrupulous suppliers to place unsafe products on the UK market through online marketplaces, and in doing so, also undercut good UK businesses.”

During the 4-hour long debate the bill was overall well-supported. Many members acknowledged the explosive growth of online marketplaces and the associated product safety risks, referencing unsafe e-bikes and lithium-ion batteries as products that have hit the headlines in recent months with devastating consequences. 

Members of the Lords did however raise concerns on several areas that will need to be addressed to move forward; the lack of public response to the Product Safety Review consultation last year (for which the Ladder Association consulted with our members in our response), future alignment with EU regulatory framework, and the costs of enforcement, amongst others.

Comment from the Ladder Association

Peter Bennett OBE, Executive Director at the Ladder Association commented, “Our market surveillance studies have highlighted widespread issues with the safety of ladder products being sold online, and despite ongoing campaigning, no action has been taken to address the root problem.

“The Ladder Association is calling on the Government to step in urgently to make regulatory changes and for the new Product Regulation and Metrology Bill to hold suppliers and online platforms accountable for ensuring the products they sell are compliant and safe to use. Until that legislation is implemented, consumers are being put at risk daily.”

Keep updated

For further information, you can watch a recording of the 2nd reading or read the full transcript.