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Another 10 unsafe ladder consignments stopped at Port!

Chinese imports destined for Amazon

Another 10 unsafe ladder consignments stopped at Port!

Last month we highlighted a significant number of dangerous ladders from China that had been stopped at Port and thankfully didn’t make it into the homes of unsuspecting consumers here in the UK.

Since then, the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) has issued a further 10 Product Safety Reports (another 4 from April and 6 in June) that show worrying evidence of unsafe and dangerous ladders heading to our shores from China and due to be sold via Amazon.

The reports show a range of Three-Tread Step Stools, Telescopic, Multipurpose and Combination Ladders that didn’t meet the requirements of the General Product Safety Regulations 2005 and presented a serious risk of injury to the user. Among the issues were lack of stabilisers in ladders over 3m, excessive bending, incorrect dimensions and non-compliant marking, labelling and documentation – all of which puts the user at risk of falling and injury.

The good news though is again, thanks to the ongoing efforts of Trading Standards and the Test & Research Centre (who were involved in testing around half of these latest consignments), the unsafe ladders were stopped, tested, rejected and destroyed.