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Life before ladder standards

Written by Don Aers Technical Manager

Life before ladder standards

Published: 19 March 2025

In this quarterly ‘Simplifying Standards’ column (presented at our 2025 Annual Members’ Meeting & Conference), Don Aers, Technical Manager at the Ladder Association, takes a lighthearted look at ‘Life Before Standards’.

Did you know when the first British standard was published?

Its was in 1901. Do you know what that standard was for? – It was the specification for tramway rails and fishplates.

And the first British standard for ladders was published….when? 1943 – BS 1129 Timber ladders.

Before that, you could knock up anything you liked and from anything at hand, two bits down the sides, lots of bits going across, and you could call it a ladder. That standard – BS1129 – is now withdrawn and made obsolete by the current standard for portable ladders – BS EN 131.

The Americans got there a bit earlier with a standard for ladders. In 1923 they published the American National Standard Safety Code for Construction, Care, and Use of Ladders. The ANSSCCCUL A-14. A simple acronym!

Before BS 1129…

Prior to BS1129 it was amazing what you could do with a few bits of Buffalo thorn tree, string and a handful of helpful assistants.

What would have happened if this particular “ladder” below had failed? Poor string, unseasoned and overly knotty Buffalo thorn wood, an amateur design – it could all so easily have come crashing down and the chap at the top…well, not good news for him!

Anyone recognise him, funny hat, binoculars, standing heroically at the top of the ladder?

Same man – Winston Churchill inspecting a landing craft in 1945 – two years after the BS1129 standard was published. Look at those mortise and tenon joints in the ladder. And the wire re-enforcements. Made from the finest Hemlock. All in accordance with BS1129…mmmm, not so sure. Winston was so much safer (or not!).

Here he is again – obviously thought he looked good on a ladder. It made him look…well….taller.

We were quite lucky things didn’t take a turn for the worse in his earlier pre standard ladder escapades. Pre-standard ladders (and a subsequent fall from height for poor Winston) could have changed the course of English and world history!

Watch Don’s session recording from our 2025 Ladder Conference

Don’s humorous look at life before standards was first presented at the Ladder Association’s 2025 Conference in Warwick.

Known for injecting a little interest and story-telling into standards updates, Don keeps the audience engaged in what can otherwise be a fairly dry topic for those not directly involved in ladder standards (his own admission!). You can watch his short session here > COMING SOON

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