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Ladder and Stepladder for Users

Course details

Ladder and Stepladder for Users

Ladders & Stepladders for Users

If you use ladders and stepladders, this course is for you! You’ll learn when it’s right to use a ladder (and when it’s not), and how to use, store and handle them safely.

At a glance:

• Current Legislation, Regulations & Guidance
• Roles & Responsibilities of Employers & Employees
• Equipment – Leaning Ladders, Stepladders & Combination Ladders
• Site > Task > Equipment > People
• Pre-Use Checks
• Storage, Transportation & Maintenance
• Personal Hazards

E-learning option (theory session only):

The theory session of this course is also available as an e-learning option. Delegates can choose to complete the theory part of the course online at home, before attending the training centre for the assessment and practical session. Speak to your training centre for more details!

Course details


Minimum half day

Who Should Attend?

Those who frequently use ladders & stepladders in the course of their daily duties

Learning Objectives

Delegates will be competent to:

• Assess and determine when it’s appropriate to use a ladder or stepladder

• Correctly locate and safely use ladders & stepladders

They will have an understanding of:

• What they need to know about the law and standards relating to ladders & stepladders

• Hazards in the use of ladders & stepladders

• Storage & handling of ladders & stepladders


The course is planned to run over a minimum of half a day.

Training Activity

• Slide led – trainer providing information and asking questions

• An individual questionnaire on safe and effective use of Ladders & Stepladders

Assessment Process

There are assessment activities:

• Multiple Choice Questions

• Ladder & Stepladders fault finding

• Carrying, positioning & ladders and stepladders


Open book exam with a pass mark of 80%


Suitable head / footwear and gloves during the practical session

Course Content

Current Legislation, Code of Practice, Regulations and Guidance affecting work at height

Trainer / Delegate ratio

Maximum of 1:8

Venue Requirements

A suitable classroom and practical area to accommodate 8 delegates for the theory and assessment sessions

Supporting Documents

Ladder Association summary notes for each delegate


A Ladder Association certificate and LadderCard will be issued to successful delegates who complete the theory and practical assessment sessions at the level they attend the course which has a five year validity period

Literacy, Fitness & Health

Delegates must be numerate, literate and have a good command of English. They should be fit and capable of lifting, carrying ladders stepladders


No qualifications or experience are required for this course