Download our Ladder Safety Toolbox Talks!
Responsible for the safety of ladder users? We have a series of one-page documents that provide you with the content you need to deliver Toolbox Talks on three specific topics related to safe ladder use; ‘When to Use a Ladder’, ‘Selecting the Right Ladder’, and ‘Securing Your Ladder’. PLUS, we have included additional guidance notes for Managers for each topic.
And, if you want to print copies to hand out or put on your staff noticeboard, each Toolbox Talk contains a QR code your employees can scan with their mobile devices to take them to our website for even more ladder safety information.
You can download the Toolbox Talks by clicking on the images below.
P.S. If you want to stay updated on the latest ladder safety news, resources and events then join our mailing list!
Other useful information
Need ladder training?
Our Toolbox Talks are guidance documents and not intended to take the place of formal ladder training.
Although ladders are fairly simple pieces of work equipment, you must still be ‘competent’ to use them, whether at work or at home. That’s because you’re working at height, which always carries risks, and it’s important you know how to do it safely.
Ladder Association training is about more than just using the ladder; it’s about understanding when it’s right to use a ladder (and when it’s not!), choosing the right ladder and then understanding the simple steps to take to use the ladder safely.
Accredited training is available from approved Ladder Association training centres across the UK and includes the following courses for ladder users and those who manage ladder use at work:
* Ladders and Stepladders for Users
* Ladders and Stepladders Inspection
* Steps and Step Stools for Users
* Ladders and Stepladders for Managers

More ladder safety guidance
Explore our website for MORE FREE GUIDANCE, including information on telescopic ladders and changes to ladder standards.
Looking for safe ladders?
Choose ladders from Ladder Association manufacturer or supplier members. FIND MEMBERS >
Keep in touch
If you want to stay updated on the latest ladder safety news, resources and events:
• Join our mailing list – SUBSCRIBE HERE >
• Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
Every day, all across the world, people in all sorts of industries, and at home, use ladders. The Ladder Association is here to help you do it safely.